Journey Together is the next upcoming English Pokemon TCG set, with a scheduled release date of March 28, 2025. Based on the Japanese set Battle Partners, this set brings back Trainer's Pokemon, which were previously featured as recently as the Sword & Shield era in the Trainer Gallery.
Check Prices for the Journey Together Enhanced Booster Box
We have compiled this Journey Together set guide to answer some of the most common questions we see about Journey Together. Here is what we know about Journey Together, including top cards, products to preorder, and release information.
What's on this page?
Set Overview | Top Cards | What to Buy | Enhanced Booster Box | Elite Trainer Box | Booster Bundle | 3-Pack Blister| Where to Buy
Journey Together Set Overview
Journey Together is based on the Japanese set Battle Partners which launched on January 24, 2025. It also contains additional cards from the Japanese Starter Decks.
Because this set has been out for a few days, we are starting to have a good idea about which cards will be the top chase cards for Journey Together and what prices they are fetching on the secondary market.
Journey Together Top Cards
As expected, the Special Art Rare (or Special Illustration Rare on the English side) cards are a big hit with the Japanese release. Lillie and N have both long been fan-favorite trainers so their card prices are no surprise. Iono is a new trainer from the Paldea region, and her SAR Bellibolt clearly shows she has been well-received. Hop, on the other hand... Well...
Here are the top 10 cards from Battle Partners as of writing, and some of the expected top cards from Journey Together:
Lillie's Clefairy ex Special Art Rare #126
Lillie's Clefairy exSpecial Art Rare #126 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Iono's Bellibolt ex Special Art Rare #125
Iono's Bellibolt exSpecial Art Rare #125 Check eBayCheck Amazon
N's Zoroark ex Special Art Rare #127
N's Zoroark exSpecial Art Rare #127 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Iono's Bellibolt ex Gold Hyper Rare #130
Iono's Bellibolt exGold Hyper Rare #130 Check eBayCheck Amazon
N's Zoroark ex Gold Hyper Rare #131
N's Zoroark exGold Hyper Rare #131 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Hop's Zacian ex Special Art Rare #128
Hop's Zacian exSpecial Art Rare #128 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Salamence ex Special Art Rare #129
Salamence exSpecial Art Rare #129 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Lillie's Clefairy ex Secret Rare Full Art #115
Lillie's Clefairy exSecret Rare Full Art #115 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Iris's Fighting Spirit Secret Rare Full Art #121
Iris's Fighting SpiritSecret Rare Full Art #121 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Lillie's Ribombee Art Rare #105
Lillie's RibombeeSpecial Art Rare #105 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Japan has long had more of a preference for Trainer cards than fans of the English side, so it will be interesting to see how the prices of these cards perform at the release of Journey Together. Be sure to check out the Journey Together card list to see the rest of the set.
What to Buy for Journey Together
Journey Together is set to receive a special Enhanced Booster Box, with early reports suggesting that North America will exclusively get this version, while Europe will have access to both the Enhanced and Standard Booster Boxes.
There is also a Pokemon Center Exclusive ETB, but preorders sold out almost instantly earlier this month. These boxes have 11 booster packs and a special PC stamped N's Zorua promo card. Some sellers are offering these boxes for preorder on eBay currently for around $200, despite the $60 MSRP. Sometimes Pokemon offers a limited reprint of PC boxes on or around release day.
Enhanced Booster Box
What's Inside?36 booster packs, N's Reshiram box topper. Check eBayCheck Amazon
The Journey Together Enhanced Booster Box is currently going for around $210 on the open market at the time of writing. |
With Journey Together, we are getting a new box called the Enhanced Booster Box. It seems the only difference is that it will come with a box-topper, the N's Reshiram promo card. This card is included in Battle Partners as part of the set, but in English as a promo. Be mindful when buying on the secondary market if you are looking at a regular booster box or the Enhanced version.
Elite Trainer Box
What's Inside?9 booster packs, N's Zorua promo, card sleeves, TCG accessories. Check eBayCheck Amazon
The Journey Together Elite Trainer Box is currently going for around $100 on the open market at the time of writing. |
The Journey Together ETB includes 9 booster packs, the N's Zorua promo card, and standard TCG accessories as expected. These boxes are currently about double MSRP, so some patience could be rewarded if a reprint hits. Be mindful that we are in the middle of a hype Pokemon market, and any of these products could be subject to a larger print run.
Booster Bundle
What's Inside?6 booster packs. Check eBayCheck Amazon
The Journey Together Booster Bundle is currently going for around $55 on the open market at the time of writing. |
The Journey Together Booster Bundle is an excellent product for anyone who wants to simply rip packs because it doesn't come with any TCG accessories or excess packaging. These boxes usually MSRP for around $27.
3-Pack Blister
What's Inside?3 booster packs, Scrafty or Yanmega promo card. Check eBayCheck Amazon
The Journey Together 3-Pack Blister is currently going for around $35 on the open market at the time of writing. |
The Journey Together 3-pack blister is a good affordable option in most cases, and comes with a bonus promo card. You can typically find these online or in-store in places like Walmart or Target. These could be a relatively affordable option if you can find them in-store after release day.
Where to Buy Journey Together?
Because Pokemon products are currently in high-demand and preorders are selling out quickly, it is best to keep a close eye on eBay prices and try to find product in-store for MSRP. Future reprints can definitely impact the market, so bear in mind that prices could drop in the future.
Use our quick search tool to compare prices for Journey Together across online retailers:
eBay | Amazon | Walmart | Target | GameStop | Best Buy | Barnes & Noble
Want to see more from Journey Together?
View the Journey Together Visual Set List
Check out the Journey Together Buying Guide
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