Top 10 Most Valuable Journey Together Pokemon Cards After Prerelease

Journey Together Most Valuable Cards After Pre-Release

The Hobby Bin Staff |

Prerelease weekend for Journey Together has just wrapped up, and the first wave of singles is hitting the secondary market. With early pricing data now available, we’re taking a fresh look at the top 10 most expensive cards from the set. These values are based on current market trends, but keep in mind—they could shift quickly once the set officially launches on March 28th.

Here are the top 10 most valuable cards from Journey Together after Prerelease!

#10. N's Reshiram Illustration Rare #167

N's Reshiram Illustration Rare #167

N's Reshiram #167

Illustration Rare

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N's Reshiram Illustration Rare #167 is currently valued around $55 at the time of writing.

N's Reshiram Illustration Rare #167 is the 10th most expensive card from Journey Together after Prerelease. This card is available as both a stamped box topper from the Enhanced Booster Box, and a regular set Illustration Rare, so make sure you know what you are looking at if you are trying to buy this card.

#9. N's Zoroark ex Gold Secret Rare #189

N's Zoroark ex Gold Secret Rare #189

N's Zoroark ex #189

Gold Secret Rare

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N's Zoroark ex Gold Secret Rare #189 is currently valued around $62 at the time of writing.

The 9th most expensive card in Journey Together after Prerelease is N's Zoroark ex Gold Secret Rare #189. N is a popular Trainer from the Black and White era, so it is no surprise to find him multiple times on this list. Fun fact, the Japanese version of this card has an error version where they used the Special Art Rare texture rather than the Secret Rare texture. That card goes for a massive premium on the secondary market.

#8. Lillie's Clefairy ex Full Art #173

Lillie's Clefairy ex Full Art #173

Lillie's Clefairy ex #173

Full Art

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Lillie's Clefairy ex Full Art #173 is currently valued around $70 at the time of writing.

If N is the most popular male trainer from the Pokemon series, Lillie has a strong chance at being the most popular female trainer. Lillie is from the Sun & Moon era, and her Clefairy is one of her most prominent Pokemon. These full art cards have had mixed reactions from collectors, with some feeling that the trainer appears too ghost-like in the background. 

#7. Volcanion ex Special Illustration Rare #182

Volcanion ex Special Illustration Rare #182

Volcanion ex #182

Special Illustration Rare

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Volcanion ex Special Illustration Rare #182 is currently valued around $70 at the time of writing.

The 7th most expensive card from Journey Together is the Volcanion ex #182 SIR. Volcanion is a Fire / Water Mythical Pokemon from Generation VI. This card is illustrated by akagi, a relatively new artist that started with the Pokemon TCG around the time of Paldean Fates. This Volcanion ex is one of only 2 SIRs in Journey Together that do not feature a trainer. 

#6. Articuno Illustration Rare #161

Articuno Illustration Rare #161

Articuno #161

Illustration Rare

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Articuno Illustration Rare #161 is currently valued around $70 at the time of writing.

The 6th most expensive card from Journey Together after Prerelease is the Articuno Illustration Rare #161. Despite just being an Illustration Rare, this card manages to hold a premium over most of the cards in the set due to the fantastic artwork by Kuroimori, another new Pokemon TCG artist. Many collectors view this card and the Wailord IR as being some of their top chase cards from Journey Together. 

#5. Hop's Zacian ex Special Illustration Rare #186

Hop's Zacian ex Special Illustration Rare #186

Hop's Zacian ex #186

Special Illustration Rare

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Hop's Zacian ex Special Illustration Rare #186 is currently valued around $140 at the time of writing.

At #5 on the list of most valuable Journey Together cards after Prerelease is Hop's Zacian ex SIR #186. This card is gorgeous and worth a pretty penny, but it pales in comparison to the value of the other SIR trainer cards. This is simply because there isn't as much enthusiasm about Hop as a trainer compared to the other ones on this list.

#4. Salamence ex Special Illustration Rare #187

Salamence ex Special Illustration Rare #187

Salamence ex #187

Special Illustration Rare

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Salamence ex Special Illustration Rare #187 is currently valued around $180 at the time of writing.

As mention before, there are only 2 SIRs from Journey Together that don't feature a trainer, and this is the other one. The Salamence ex #187 SIR is the 4th most valuable card from Journey Together after prerelease. When we wrote about the top 10 most expensive cards in Battle Partners, this card came in at 7th on the Japanese side. We mentioned this would probably be on the higher end on the English side.

#3. Iono's Bellibolt ex Special Illustration Rare #183

Iono's Bellibolt ex Special Illustration Rare #183

Iono's Bellibolt ex #183

Special Illustration Rare

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Iono's Bellibolt ex Special Illustration Rare #183 is currently valued around $190 at the time of writing.

In Battle Partners, Iono's Bellibolt ex #183 came in at the #2 spot. Here in English, as expected, it was pushed down due to N's popularity amongst English collectors. Bellibolt is an electric type Pokemon introduced in Gen IX and Iono's signature partner Pokemon. There is a fairly narrow price range from the #4 to the #2 spot, so it will be interesting to see how these cards perform after official release on March 28th.

#2. N's Zoroark ex Special Illustration Rare #185

N's Zoroark ex Special Illustration Rare #185

N's Zoroark ex #185

Special Illustration Rare

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N's Zoroark ex Special Illustration Rare #185 is currently valued around $220 at the time of writing.

As expected, N's Zoroark ex SIR #185 was able to take the #2 spot, but is still a far cry from the #1 position in Journey Together. This card is illustrated by a long-time Pokemon TCG artist named Megumi Mizutani, who has been illustrating for the card game since 2012. They also did the N's Zorua promo card which can be found in the Journey Together ETB. 

#1. Lillie's Clefairy ex Special Illustration Rare #184

Lillie's Clefairy ex Special Illustration Rare #184

Lillie's Clefairy ex #184

Special Illustration Rare

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Lillie's Clefairy ex Special Illustration Rare #184 is currently valued around $350 at the time of writing.

The Lillie's Clefairy ex SIR #184 is the most expensive card from Journey Together. Unsurprisingly, this card also took the #1 spot in Battle Partners on the Japanese side. The Japanese version has been selling for around $500 in a PSA 10, and there is a non-zero chance that early sales of this card in PSA 10 in English could eclipse that value.

If you are familiar with popular Lillie cards, then you know how expensive these cards can get. The Dream League Clefairy 381/sm-p promo can easily go for over $500 in a PSA 10, and cards from the Collection Moon or Battle Boost can be well into the thousands. We expect to see PSA 10 copies of this card hit the market very quickly, and there is a good chance they will reach eye-opening premiums.

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Try your luck at pulling these cards from Journey Together:

Journey Together Enhanced Booster Box

Contains: 36 booster packs, Reshiram promo.

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Journey Together Elite Trainer Box

Contains: 9 booster packs, N's Zorua promo, TCG accessories.

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Journey Together Booster Bundle

Contains: 6 booster packs.

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Journey Together Booster Packs

Contains: loose booster packs.

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That's it for the top 10 most valuable Journey Together Pokemon cards after pre-release. We will revisit the market prices for these cards after release so be sure to check back after March 28th! 

Want to see more cards from the set? Check out these runner-ups, or check out our Visual Set List for Journey Together.


Illustration Rare #162

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Iono's Bellibolt ex

Gold Secret Rare #188

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Iono's Kilowattrel

Illustration Rare #163

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Lillie's Ribombee

Illustration Rare #164

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N's Zoroark ex

Full Art #175

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