The 10 Most Expensive Prismatic Evolutions Cards at Release

Top 10 Most Expensive Prismatic Evolutions Cards at Release

The Hobby Bin Staff |

Prismatic Evolutions officially launched on January 17, and just a day later this set is already setting records in terms of card prices. Prismatic Evolutions products are being completely cleared off every retail shelf, and if you are able to get your hands on any product at MSRP, you are extremely fortunate.

Now that Prismatic Evolutions products are being opened and cards are making it onto the secondary market, we can officially take a look at the top 10 most expensive cards from Prismatic Evolutions!

#10. Eevee ex #167 Special Illustration Rare

Eevee ex #167 Special Illustration Rare

Eevee ex

Special Illustration Rare #167

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Eevee ex #167 Special Illustration Rare is currently valued around $218.83 at the time of writing.

The first card to make the list of the most expensive cards from Prismatic Evolutions is the Eevee ex #167 Special Illustration Rare. This card is fairly high on the list on the Japanese side in Terastal Festival ex as well, but the fact that our other potential Eevee SIR was turned into a promo instead means there is a lot more focus on this card in English.

Notably, this card is currently going for $45 in Japanese compared to a current market price of $218 in English. As the 10th most expensive card in Prismatic Evolutions, this really highlights the current difference in the English and Japanese market. Bear in mind prices are typically very high shortly after launch of a new set, but fall after products are opened and cards start hitting the market.

#9. Jolteon ex #153 Special Illustration Rare

Jolteon ex #153 Special Illustration Rare

Jolteon ex

Special Illustration Rare #153

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Jolteon ex #153 Special Illustration Rare is currently valued around $234.37 at the time of writing.

The next card to make the list of the top 10 most expensive cards from Prismatic Evolutions is the Jolteon ex Special Illustration Rare #153. This is the first of the 3 OG Eeveelutions to make the top 10 most expensive list, but it definitely isn't the last. 

This artwork is very sleek, and definitely captures the personality and traits of Jolteon quite well. The artist behind this card goes by Kantaro, and has been illustrating for the Pokemon TCG since Crown Zenith. One of their most notable artworks is the Pikachu ex Yokohama World Championship promo #001/030.

#8. Flareon ex #146 Special Illustration Rare

Flareon ex #146 Special Illustration Rare

Flareon ex

Special Illustration Rare #146

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Flareon ex #146 Special Illustration Rare is currently valued around $239 at the time of writing.

Up next we have another of the 3 OG Eeveelutions, Flareon. The Flareon ex #146 Special Illustration Rare is currently the 8th most expensive card from Prismatic Evolutions and barely outplaces the Jolteon ex. 

The Flareon ex #146 SIR is done by another somewhat newer artist named Nurikabe, who has been illustrating Pokemon cards since around the time of Brilliant Stars. One of their most notable artworks is the Alternate Art Aerodactyl V #180 from Lost Origin.

#7. Glaceon ex #150 Special Illustration Rare

Glaceon ex #150 Special Illustration Rare

Glaceon ex

Special Illustration Rare #150

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Glaceon ex #150 Special Illustration Rare is currently valued around $267.23 at the time of writing.

After the Glaceon VMAX #209 from Evolving Skies became one of the top cards from that set, it was no surprise to see the Glaceon ex #150 Special Illustration Rare make it on this list as the 7th most expensive card from Prismatic Evolutions.

Though perhaps one of the simpler designs, the Glaceon ex SIR #150 manages to outplace 2 of the 3 OG Eeveelutions as well as Eevee itself. Still, the price jumps we are about to see with the rest of the best cards from Prismatic Evolutions are absolutely staggering.

#6. Espeon ex #155 Special Illustration Rare

Espeon ex #155 Special Illustration Rare

Espeon ex

Special Illustration Rare #155

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Espeon ex #155 Special Illustration Rare is currently valued around $296.66 at the time of writing.

The 6th most expensive card from Prismatic Evolutions is the Espeon ex #155 Special Illustration Rare. At a nearly $300 current valuation, we are well above what most #1s on these lists typically go for, and we are only at #6. It can't be overstated that market prices early into release are extremely volatile, so be sure to keep an eye on price fluctuations.

The Espeon ex #155 is one of the most visually stunning cards from Prismatic Evolutions, and represents one of the top chase cards for a lot of collectors. Despite the semi-monochromatic design, Espeon still manages to pop on this elegant and vibrant card. 

#5. Vaporeon ex #149 Special Illustration Rare

Vaporeon ex #149 Special Illustration Rare

Vaporeon ex

Special Illustration Rare #149

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Vaporeon ex #149 Special Illustration Rare is currently valued around $368.5 at the time of writing.

We finally get the 3rd OG Eeveelution at #5! At the halfway point on this list of most expensive cards from Prismatic Evolutions, we get the Vaporeon ex Special Illustration Rare #149.

With 4 more cards to go, it becomes clear that while the OGs definitely get their due by making this list, many of the Eeveelutions from latter generations tend to be the fan-favorites. This brilliant artwork is done by Narano, a brand new artist that started with Pokemon during the Surging Sparks set.

#4. Leafeon ex #144 Special Illustration Rare

Leafeon ex #144 Special Illustration Rare

Leafeon ex

Special Illustration Rare #144

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Leafeon ex #144 Special Illustration Rare is currently valued around $463.63 at the time of writing.

Now this is a COOL card. The Leafeon ex #144 Special Illustration Rare #144 is the 4th most expensive card from Prismatic Evolutions, and another top chase card for a lot of collectors. At a current market price of nearly $500, it is surreal that we still have 3 cards left on this list.

Taking a look at Evolving Skies, the Leafeon VMAX #205 Alternate Art is actually the third most expensive card in the set only behind Umbreon and Rayquaza, outpacing popular Eeveelutions VMAX Alternate Arts like Glaceon and Sylveon. It isn't very surprising to see Leafeon near the top of the Prismatic Evolutions list as well.

#3. Umbreon Master Ball #059 Rare

Umbreon Master Ball #059 Rare

Umbreon Master Ball

Rare #059

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Umbreon Master Ball #059 Rare is currently valued around $550 at the time of writing.

Finally we have a card that makes Prismatic Evolutions very special - the Umbreon #059 Master Ball reverse holo. Interestingly, this was the most expensive card in Terastal Festival ex for several weeks after launch, but it did eventually get passed by the current #1 (on both lists).

Prismatic Evolutions is unique in that you are able to pull a standard reverse holo, a Poke Ball reverse holo, or a Master Ball reverse holo in any pack. Because these cards are found in the reverse holo slot, this means you can pull both a Master Ball reverse holo and a SIR in a single pack. You could theoretically pull the #3 and #1 from this list in the same pack! The pull rate is extremely difficult around 1 in 1,500, so it is no surprise to see the Umbreon Master Ball reverse holo as the 3rd most expensive card from Prismatic Evolutions.

#2. Sylveon ex #156 Special Illustration Rare

Sylveon ex #156 Special Illustration Rare

Sylveon ex

Special Illustration Rare #156

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Sylveon ex #156 Special Illustration Rare is currently valued around $738.05 at the time of writing.

The Sylveon ex #156 Special Illustration Rare is a top chase card from Prismatic Evolutions, and currently the 2nd most expensive card from the set. With so many amazing and valuable cards found in Prismatic Evolutions, it is perhaps no surprise that product is tough to come by for MSRP.

The Sylveon ex #156 SIR is also one of the most valuable cards from Terastal Festival ex on the Japanese side, though the current price difference is staggering ($120 vs. $730). We would be very surprised to see this disparity continue as more product gets opened.

#1. Umbreon ex #161 Special Illustration Rare

Umbreon ex #161 Special Illustration Rare

Umbreon ex

Special Illustration Rare #161

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Umbreon ex #161 Special Illustration Rare is currently valued around $1618.75 at the time of writing.

And to the surprise of absolutely nobody, the most expensive card in Prismatic Evolutions is the Umbreon ex Special Illustration Rare #161. Dubbed the Sunbreon or the Moonbreon 2.0, this card was destined to get absolutely out of control after release.

Be aware that a lot of the price action on this card (and all the cards on this list for that matter) is contributed by buyers who are looking to purchase and grade this card as quickly as possible. We see this with every new set, with a race to the bottom after graded cards start hitting the market.

However, it cannot be overstated the impact that the Evolving Skies Moonbreon had on the collecting community. If any card is to buck the trend and blow every expectation out of the water, well, we're looking at it.

Try your luck at pulling these cards from the following Pokemon card products:

Prismatic Evolutions Elite Trainer Box

Contains: 9 booster packs, 1 Eevee promo, TCG accessories.

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Prismatic Evolutions Booster Bundle

Contains: 6 booster packs.

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Prismatic Evolutions Surprise Box

Contains: 4 booster packs, 1 storage box, 1 etched promo.

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Prismatic Evolutions Booster Packs

Contains: loose booster packs.

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These are the top 10 most expensive cards from Prismatic Evolutions at release. Bear in mind that prices will be highly volatile as the market attempts to price these cards, so proceed with caution if you intend to interact with this set.

Want to see more cards from the set? Check out these runner-ups, or check out our Visual Set List for Prismatic Evolutions.

Roaring Moon ex

Special Illustration Rare #162

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Ceruledge ex

Special Illustration Rare #147

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Pikachu ex

Hyper Rare #179

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Sylveon Master Ball

Rare #040

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Espeon Master Ball

Rare #033

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