Prices Updated 8/29/2024
The Pokemon 151 English set officially released this past Friday, and Pokemon card collectors everywhere are excitedly opening up this nostalgic set. Featuring all 151 OG Pokemon, this is the first set ever released in Pokemon history to offer the complete group of original 151 Pokemon, and the first time the Pokemon community has seen a new Kadabra card since Skyridge in 2003. There is a lot to be excited about in this set, so how does this impact the prices of the most expensive cards in Pokemon 151?
#10. Charmeleon #169 Illustration Rare
CharmeleonIllustration Rare #169 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Charmeleon #169 Illustration Rare is currently valued around $24.35 at the time of writing. |
Charmeleon #169 Illustration Rare is the first card to make the list, as the middle evolution for the Charmander line, and one of the OG starters from Gen 1. This brilliant artwork captures Charmelon part way up a molten canyon wall, representative of his place as the middle evolution. I wonder who is up at the top of the canyon?
#9. Bulbasaur #166 Illustration Rare
BulbasaurIllustration Rare #166 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Bulbasaur #166 Illustration Rare is currently valued around $25.35 at the time of writing. |
The next card to make the list is OG starter Bulbasaur, the original #001 Pokedex entry from the Kanto region. Similar to the theme of the Charmelon card, the artwork is meant to portray Bulbasaur relative to his evolution. The vegetation around him is all green and nothing has bloomed yet. Every starter Pokemon in the 151 set follows a theme of progression from their basic form to their final evolution. Bulbasaur's subsequent evolutions depict more color and vibrance.
#8. Squirtle #170 Illustration Rare
SquirtleIllustration Rare #170 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Squirtle #170 Illustration Rare is currently valued around $28.29 at the time of writing. |
The Squirtle #170 Illustration Rare comes in next on the list at #8. Squirtle is depicted in the shallow water at the beach, in a innocent scene of splashing and playing. Just as the Bulbasaur line becomes more vibrant as the evolution line progresses, Squirtle's evolution line ventures into deeper water with every evolution. We think the design choices and thematic style for these cards makes them amazing for binder collectors and very deserving of their place on this list.
#7. Charmander #168 Illustration Rare
CharmanderIllustration Rare #168 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Charmander #168 Illustration Rare is currently valued around $30.71 at the time of writing. |
We already saw the Charmeleon halfway up the canyon wall at #10, so this card puts that artwork into perspective. Some may find it surprising that the middle evolutions would have lower price tags than their pre-evolved counterparts, but when you consider that the baby evolutions from Gen-1 were many people's first Pokemon, it starts to make sense. Of course, with the amount of hype that follows Charizard, you can see why Charmander would outrank the other ones in price.
#6. Alakazam ex #201 Special Illustration Rare
Alakazam exSpecial Illustration Rare #201 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Alakazam ex #201 Special Illustration Rare is currently valued around $32.39 at the time of writing. |
Alakazam is a staple of the original 151, being a popular choice in Gen 1 games for his ability to sweep virtually every Pokemon you face in the game. In Pokemon Base Set, Alakazam is the 6th most expensive card, and one of the only few cards that isn't part of a starter evolution line. We are happy to see Alakazam with a popular Illustration Rare in Pokemon 151, which seems completely fitting with the return of Kadabra to the TCG.
#5. Charizard ex #183 Ultra Rare
Charizard exUltra Rare #183 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Charizard ex #183 Ultra Rare is currently valued around $34.98 at the time of writing. |
We know Pokemon has a habit of putting Charizard into sets to generate hype, and normally it can seem a bit forced. In Pokemon 151, however, we're more than happy to pay the Charizard tax. As a staple of the original 151 Pokemon, Charizard is right at home on this list.
#4. Zapdos ex #202 Special Illustration Rare
Zapdos exSpecial Illustration Rare #202 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Zapdos ex #202 Special Illustration Rare is currently valued around $39.75 at the time of writing. |
We are prepared to go on record and say this is the single coolest Zapdos card ever created in the Pokemon TCG. The white and blue contrast from the clouds, the mountains, grass, and water landscape, and the visible depiction of speed from all 3 OG Legendary birds make this artwork an absolute standout from the 151 set. This is the only other card alongside Alakazam to make the list and not be part of the starter evolution line.
#3. Venusaur ex #198 Special Illustration Rare
Venusaur exSpecial Illustration Rare #198 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Venusaur ex #198 Special Illustration Rare is currently valued around $44.74 at the time of writing. |
We've just landed in the top 3, and to no one's surprise, it's Venusaur! While frequently overshadowed by the starter counterparts, Venusaur artworks never fail to stand out and reach respectable valuations. This serene artwork captures Venusaur surrounded by a mix of colorful flowers and plants, wrapping up the theme found in the Bulbasaur and Ivysaur cards.
#2. Blastoise ex #200 Special Illustration Rare
Blastoise exSpecial Illustration Rare #200 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Blastoise ex #200 Special Illustration Rare is currently valued around $49.79 at the time of writing. |
As members of the Squirtle Squad, we officially sign off on this Blastoise design. The shadowed depths are a bit reminiscent of the Dark Blastoise card from the Team Rocket set. Blastoise has come a long way since his days of splashing in the shallow pools on the beach, and his ability to dive has improved a lot, too!
#1. Charizard ex #199 Special Illustration Rare
Charizard exSpecial Illustration Rare #199 Check eBayCheck Amazon
Charizard ex #199 Special Illustration Rare is currently valued around $126.5 at the time of writing. |
It wouldn't be Pokemon 151 if a Charizard wasn't sitting at the top of this list. Ever since Charizards debut in the TCG in Pokemon Base Set, the Gen 1 fire lizard was destined to fetch premiums.
Charmander has finally made it to the top of the canyon he started climbing when he was just a little Charmander. We enjoy the simplicity of this card. Rather than a depiction of strength and destructive power which we tend to see with Charizard artworks, we instead get to see Charizard in a peaceful and scenic environment, similar to the SWSH260 promo from the Charizard Ultra Premium Collection.
The Pokemon 151 set has been a great trip down memory lane for many collectors and Pokemon enthusiasts who first found their love for the franchise nearly 30 years ago, and it has drawn in a lot of new fans to the hobby due to the hype and success this set has had at release.
Try your luck at pulling these cards from the following Pokemon card products:
Pokemon 151 Ultra Premium CollectionContains: 16 packs and 3 promo cards. Check eBayCheck Amazon |
Pokemon 151 Collection BoxContains: 4 packs and 2 promo cards. Check eBayCheck Amazon |
Pokemon 151 Booster BundleContains: 6 booster packs. Check eBayCheck Amazon |
Pokemon 151 Booster PacksContains: loose booster packs. Check eBayCheck Amazon |
What are your thoughts on the most expensive cards from Pokemon 151? Have you pulled any of the cards on this list in your packs? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!
Want to see more cards from the set? Check out these runner-ups, or check out our Visual Set List for Pokemon 151.
PikachuIllustration Rare #173 Check eBayCheck Amazon |
DragonairIllustration Rare #181 Check eBayCheck Amazon |
WartortleIllustration Rare #171 Check eBayCheck Amazon |
IvysaurIllustration Rare #167 Check eBayCheck Amazon |
Blastoise exUltra Rare #184 Check eBayCheck Amazon |
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